My Upcoming Book Title and A Vacation

>>  11.5.12

If you have followed me in Facebook, you may have seen the title already. :)
Yes, I have submitted the title to STGCC so I really have to finish the book by August! I planned to launch the book at the exhibition in September, which hopefully will sell well.

But right now I am still panicking... and my perfectionist tendency does not help at all.
There  is so much that I want to include in the book, but I have limited budget... which means limited pages...

Here is what you can expect to find in the book:

Title: Kuroneko Cafe - Your Guide on Making Miniature
Specs of the book: Soft Cover + 48 pages in FULL COLOR (A4 size)
Language: English
Quantity: 500 prints only
- tools and materials that I use
- tips and trick on using air dry clay
- steps by steps instruction with photos (various fruits and vegetables, bakery and sweet dessert, and japanese food)

On to another topic...
I am going for another vacation soon! Yay! d(^ 0 ^)b (not a good time when I have a book deadline, but a nice break from my day job)
I will leave by tomorrow night and will only be back in Singapore on May 23th.
Meanwhile I may not be able to answer any e-mail or deliver any order (my shop will still be open for browsing). But I will try to reply as soon as I get back! :)


Unknown May 12, 2012 at 2:57 AM  

Oh I hope you'll do some Digital/PDF versions for those of us who don't live nearby!

asukasakumo June 12, 2012 at 10:18 AM  

@Saryn Kitamo I will be selling the books online too (once I got it printed out of course ^^)

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   Stephanie Koesuma (a.k.a. Asuka Sakumo) © 2007-2018
   Please do not distribute any contents, photos, and illustrations without my written permission.

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