SGDC 2013 Report

>>  13.11.13

And so... the event was a success and made us leave that day with big smiles on our faces. :) This year, (as expected) Snowfern and me joining forces once again with the carnival themed display.
I also would like to thank you to the organizer of this event, Arion and Adit, and hopefully there will be more events like this to come. Snowfern's brother helped us on the day itself, and Crystalia who brought her soldiers to accompany our Ayame and Clover!

I made this "ticket" namecard - of course in 1:3 scale!

I didn't take much photos, I honestly forgot why.... I think after few snaps I was distracted and felt I took enough. =.=;
But I did take overall our booth's overall settings. :)

my side :)

Snowfern's side...
and yep, that is her (sorry to show your un-glam photo, but this is what I have XD)

It was a fun event, meeting with friends and chit-chating, Stephanie, Crystalia, Iwa, and then Jo and Joey who won the booth display. I do remember some faces, but (sorry) I am bad at remembering names! Thank you also for those who came and said that they bought my book. It makes me happy and feel that you too supported me 
I walk around to the other booth, trying to take note on how to display better... but at the same time trying not to look so much in case I could be digging my own wallet! 

After closing, we went to Korean Grill buffet celebration :) Before the feast started, Snowfern confessed of trying to lift the buffet ban because she enjoyed the food the last time she went there... but in the end she is putting the ban up again!

I will try to take photo and list some items up soon (including the 1:12 items that I promised last time!)... but these days it seems that I got distracted more easily... *talking random again*


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   Stephanie Koesuma (a.k.a. Asuka Sakumo) © 2007-2018
   Please do not distribute any contents, photos, and illustrations without my written permission.

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