For future commission
>> 2.2.10

These are sushi and takoyaki (in 1:4 and 1:12 scale).
My friends managed to poison me to buy my own BJD dolls! (LoL, I'm shifting the blame to them). I have been planning with Snowfern even before the TDA last December, but with new friends and more doses of poison, I have fallen in love with Leeke's Mabel and Luna. T_T
I have enough savings (from the past exhibitions and some from my part-time job last time), but they would be all gone in a click. LoL
*now thinking how to explain this to my parents, because certainly I can't hide two 40cm dolls from them!*
I am not sure yet, just thought if I wrote it here so I won't forget.
So here is my FAQ for future commission
~ will do mostly traditional tools; which I think suits me the best
~ I will need specific reference (example: colour, medium, special characteristic)
~ 50% deposit
* I haven't thought of any other rules yet, will add more later on
~ mostly I will do in 1:12 (one inch scale) and 1:4 scale (my future doll scale XD); other scale will depend on commission
~ type of food will be either japanese food/sweets or western dessert
~ at least 50% deposit
* Here is my reasoning for price: while bigger piece might be (sometimes) easier to make, but they are wasting a lot of clay. And smaller is because it is hard to do.
For those who are interested, you can e-mail me (see my profile). I'm sorry, but I want to be sure that my future commissions are from serious buyer.
The takoyaki you made is fab. Love it. And ganbatte on the commissions, may you get lots of it! :)
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