Back to some pen and watercolor works

>>  29.5.14

Purple Peony

Orange Peony

Part of the new illustrations that I will have for sale soon. :)
Kind of different from my previous illustrations... and I am in the mood of creating girls with tattoos.

Snowfern and I are joining forces once again for 2 more upcoming local exhibition in Singapore. One of the exhibition, Funan Anime Matsuri is on this coming 14-15 June (which means 2 weeks left!)
Unfortunately, I haven't received any more details on where exactly the venue is... but hoping that I can get an update soon :)

If you are in Singapore, please do come to visit our booth, even just to say hi :)


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   Stephanie Koesuma (a.k.a. Asuka Sakumo) © 2007-2018
   Please do not distribute any contents, photos, and illustrations without my written permission.

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